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Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficient Buildings

SKYVIEW HOUSES & BARNS builds homes that keep owners comfortable in both hot and cold weather without consuming large amounts of energy. We pay special attention to the building "envelope," using high performance windows strategically placed and sized to maximize solar gain. 

Our Energy Efficient Strategies:

Passive Solar
Passive Solar refers to the use of the sun's energy without active mechanical systems. Passive solar design augments the heating and cooling of living spaces. Two requirements for passive solar heating are south facing glass and a thermal mass such as concrete floors or walls to absorb, store and dispense heat.

High Performance Windows
Low-E (low emissivity) glazing allows visible light to enter while reducing heat loss and gain. High performance windows; lower utility bills, reduce noise, improve indoor air quality, cause less condensation and protect furnishings.

Well-Insulated Roof
A well-insulated roof will lower energy costs, minimize internal drafts, reduce indoor moisture problems, reduce mold growth, eliminate ice dam problems and reduce noise.

Advanced Wall Systems
Our advanced wall framing systems will reduce energy consumption, create thermal comfort and reduce mold problems by letting the exterior of the walls to “breathe”.


Energy efficient Insulation
We use Dense-Pac Cellulose in our conventional frame wall systems.  This includes recyclable materials with no formaldehyde or carcinogens.
We use Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS) on many of our timber frame wall systems.

Solar Panels
Whole building systems or hot water systems can be installed. This will lower energy costs over time and provide a renewable source of energy.

Low Flow Fixtures
Low flow faucets can dramatically reduce the energy used to heat water.

Energy Efficient Lighting
We use new energy efficient options available in lighting design, improving performance without sacrificing style or light quality.

High Efficiency Boiler/Water Heater
High efficiency boiler/water heaters are smaller than conventional systems in size but not capacity. Rather than running intermittently to keep the boiler and water hot, these systems heat on demand only and provide continuous hot water when needed.

ENERGY STAR® Appliances
ENERGY STAR appliances can reduce energy bills by one third and save 30% in greenhouse gas emissions. ENERGY STAR appliances use 10 to 50% less water and energy by using newer technology which translates into a reduction in appliance energy costs each year..

Programmable Ventilation
Energy efficient homes are built with extremely tight envelopes. Programmable fans are part of an energy efficient equation that deals with dwelling size and type, climate, indoor air quality requirements, energy consumption and cost benefits.

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